
Understanding asparagus tip breakdown

Understanding asparagus tip breakdown
Tip breakdown is a major cause of postharvest waste of asparagus in the UK. Researchers there are investigating the factors [...]
Sun 07/05/2023 by Julie Butler

Asparagus in the age of Brexit

Asparagus in the age of Brexit
The UK asparagus sector views the new migration restrictions with trepidation, as the struggles to recruit pickers seem set to [...]
Fri 14/10/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Sustainable soil management for asparagus stand longevity

Sustainable soil management for asparagus stand longevity
Field operations associated with UK asparagus production (e.g. re-ridging, sub-soiling, spray operations, harvest traffic) can result in progressive and severe [...]
Thu 13/10/2022 by Lucie Maskova / Dr. Rob Simmons / Dr. Lynda Deeks

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